And, here are the results
“We have been vindicated. This is the result of 2 years of responding arbitly to all arbit things in all arbit situations ”, chorused ****** and ##@@##, a couple of second year students taking a break to exercise their forefingers after playing NFS for 33 hours continuously. (Editor’s Note: Their nick-names have been blocked out as this a PG-13 blog).
It was found out that the usage spread, much like viruses, through internal online discussion boards. We questioned Dr. Mayur Chauhan, behavioral psychologist (and a computer geek to boot!) and this is what he had to say
“You should understand the time pressure these people are under. They have so many messages to respond to that it is not feasible to comment in detail.” And they may not be far from the mark-a sample study done a year ago revealed that arbit was an apt description for 97.345 % of all message posts (It was 101.021 % for posts by second year students).
“Part of the reason for its popularity can be explained by the fact that the mean distance between its various letters (that is A-R-B-I-T, for the mentally challenged) in the keyboard is only 1.03 cm - among the lowest ever - enabling the person to type out the word very fast”, he continued. (The only word which has a lower mean key distance than arbit is TT - short for table tennis - for which it is zero).
However, there was a cross section of the populace which openly expressed dissent.
“It was sooo fixed. I demand a recount, dude. This is all the handiwork of that Osama dude. Man, arbit is sooo out, dude!” opined
The ninth wonder of the world, after M S Dhoni. Its usage is not constrained by context, accent, vocabulary or a bad attack of the flu.
Adjective: The giloda masala served in the mess today was very arbit.
Adverb: The professor was talking very arbitly in class today.
Noun: When is arbit coming back from his vacation?
Also cross posted on my blog
hee hee :-)
Media Secy rocks!
lol... whattay!!
wat a so-very-non-arbit post about the very epicenter of arbitdom....
How arbit...:-))
i think arbit has its origins in the IITs. every dog at iit bombay is called arbit , well coz its arbit and well it has more dogs than students i suppose!
its just that enough of these geeks get into iims that the arbit parampara continues!
i hope this doesnt sound to arbit!
oh oh oh
p.s. whattay?
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